3D多对象跟踪(MOT)确保在连续动态检测过程中保持一致性,有利于自动驾驶中随后的运动计划和导航任务。但是,基于摄像头的方法在闭塞情况下受到影响,准确跟踪基于激光雷达的方法的对象的不规则运动可能是具有挑战性的。某些融合方法效果很好,但不认为在遮挡下出现外观特征的不可信问题。同时,错误检测问题也显着影响跟踪。因此,我们根据组合的外观运动优化(Camo-Mot)提出了一种新颖的相机融合3D MOT框架,该框架使用相机和激光镜数据,并大大减少了由遮挡和错误检测引起的跟踪故障。对于遮挡问题,我们是第一个提出遮挡头来有效地选择最佳对象外观的人,从而减少了闭塞的影响。为了减少错误检测在跟踪中的影响,我们根据置信得分设计一个运动成本矩阵,从而提高了3D空间中的定位和对象预测准确性。由于现有的多目标跟踪方法仅考虑一个类别,因此我们还建议建立多类损失,以在多类别场景中实现多目标跟踪。在Kitti和Nuscenes跟踪基准测试上进行了一系列验证实验。我们提出的方法在KITTI测试数据集上的所有多模式MOT方法中实现了最先进的性能和最低的身份开关(IDS)值(CAR为23,行人为137)。并且我们提出的方法在Nuscenes测试数据集上以75.3%的AMOTA进行了所有算法中的最新性能。
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本文介绍了WenetsPeech,一个由10000多小时的高质量标记语音组成的多域普通话语料库,2400多小时弱贴言论,大约100万小时的语音,总共22400多小时。我们收集来自YouTube和Podcast的数据,涵盖各种演讲样式,场景,域名,主题和嘈杂的条件。引入了基于光学字符识别(OCR)的方法,以在其对应的视频字幕上为YouTube数据生成音频/文本分段候选,而高质量的ASR转录系统用于为播客数据生成音频/文本对候选。然后我们提出了一种新的端到端标签错误检测方法,可以进一步验证和过滤候选者。我们还提供三个手动标记的高质量测试集,以及WenetsPeech进行评估 - 开发用于训练中的交叉验证目的,从互联网收集的匹配测试,并从真实会议中记录的测试\ _MEETING,以获得更具挑战性的不匹配测试。使用有线exeeEX培训的基线系统,用于三个流行的语音识别工具包,即Kaldi,Espnet和Wenet,以及三个测试集的识别结果也被提供为基准。据我们所知,WenetsPeech是目前最大的开放式普通话语音语料库,其中有利于生产级语音识别的研究。
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统一的流和非流式的双通(U2)用于语音识别的端到端模型在流传输能力,准确性,实时因素(RTF)和延迟方面表现出很大的性能。在本文中,我们呈现U2 ++,U2的增强版本,进一步提高了准确性。 U2 ++的核心思想是在训练中同时使用标签序列的前向和向后信息来学习更丰富的信息,并在解码时结合前向和后向预测以提供更准确的识别结果。我们还提出了一种名为SPECSUB的新数据增强方法,以帮助U2 ++模型更准确和强大。我们的实验表明,与U2相比,U2 ++在训练中显示了更快的收敛,更好地鲁棒性对解码方法,以及U2上的一致5 \%-8 \%字错误率降低增益。在Aishell-1的实验中,我们通过u2 ++实现了一个4.63 \%的字符错误率(cer),其中没有流媒体设置和5.05 \%,具有320ms延迟的流设置。据我们所知,5.05 \%是Aishell-1测试集上的最佳发布的流媒体结果。
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在本文中,我们提出了一个名为Wenet的开源,生产第一和生产准备的语音识别工具包,其中实现了一种新的双通方法,以统一流传输和非流媒体端到端(E2E)语音识别单一模型。 WENET的主要动机是缩放研究与E2E演示识别模型的生产之间的差距。 Wenet提供了一种有效的方法,可以在几个真实情景中运送ASR应用程序,这是其他开源E2E语音识别工具包的主要差异和优势。在我们的工具包中,实现了一种新的双通方法。我们的方法提出了一种基于动态的基于块的关注策略,变压器层,允许任意右上下文长度修改在混合CTC /注意架构中。只有更改块大小,可以轻松控制推理延迟。然后,CTC假设被注意力解码器重新筛选以获得最终结果。我们在使用WENET上的Aishell-1数据集上的实验表明,与标准的非流式变压器相比,我们的模型在非流式ASR中实现了5.03 \%相对字符的误差率(CER)。在模型量化之后,我们的模型执行合理的RTF和延迟。
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Face Anti-spoofing (FAS) is essential to secure face recognition systems from various physical attacks. However, recent research generally focuses on short-distance applications (i.e., phone unlocking) while lacking consideration of long-distance scenes (i.e., surveillance security checks). In order to promote relevant research and fill this gap in the community, we collect a large-scale Surveillance High-Fidelity Mask (SuHiFiMask) dataset captured under 40 surveillance scenes, which has 101 subjects from different age groups with 232 3D attacks (high-fidelity masks), 200 2D attacks (posters, portraits, and screens), and 2 adversarial attacks. In this scene, low image resolution and noise interference are new challenges faced in surveillance FAS. Together with the SuHiFiMask dataset, we propose a Contrastive Quality-Invariance Learning (CQIL) network to alleviate the performance degradation caused by image quality from three aspects: (1) An Image Quality Variable module (IQV) is introduced to recover image information associated with discrimination by combining the super-resolution network. (2) Using generated sample pairs to simulate quality variance distributions to help contrastive learning strategies obtain robust feature representation under quality variation. (3) A Separate Quality Network (SQN) is designed to learn discriminative features independent of image quality. Finally, a large number of experiments verify the quality of the SuHiFiMask dataset and the superiority of the proposed CQIL.
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Embedding words in vector space is a fundamental first step in state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP). Typical NLP solutions employ pre-defined vector representations to improve generalization by co-locating similar words in vector space. For instance, Word2Vec is a self-supervised predictive model that captures the context of words using a neural network. Similarly, GLoVe is a popular unsupervised model incorporating corpus-wide word co-occurrence statistics. Such word embedding has significantly boosted important NLP tasks, including sentiment analysis, document classification, and machine translation. However, the embeddings are dense floating-point vectors, making them expensive to compute and difficult to interpret. In this paper, we instead propose to represent the semantics of words with a few defining words that are related using propositional logic. To produce such logical embeddings, we introduce a Tsetlin Machine-based autoencoder that learns logical clauses self-supervised. The clauses consist of contextual words like "black," "cup," and "hot" to define other words like "coffee," thus being human-understandable. We evaluate our embedding approach on several intrinsic and extrinsic benchmarks, outperforming GLoVe on six classification tasks. Furthermore, we investigate the interpretability of our embedding using the logical representations acquired during training. We also visualize word clusters in vector space, demonstrating how our logical embedding co-locate similar words.
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The surrogate loss of variational autoencoders (VAEs) poses various challenges to their training, inducing the imbalance between task fitting and representation inference. To avert this, the existing strategies for VAEs focus on adjusting the tradeoff by introducing hyperparameters, deriving a tighter bound under some mild assumptions, or decomposing the loss components per certain neural settings. VAEs still suffer from uncertain tradeoff learning.We propose a novel evolutionary variational autoencoder (eVAE) building on the variational information bottleneck (VIB) theory and integrative evolutionary neural learning. eVAE integrates a variational genetic algorithm into VAE with variational evolutionary operators including variational mutation, crossover, and evolution. Its inner-outer-joint training mechanism synergistically and dynamically generates and updates the uncertain tradeoff learning in the evidence lower bound (ELBO) without additional constraints. Apart from learning a lossy compression and representation of data under the VIB assumption, eVAE presents an evolutionary paradigm to tune critical factors of VAEs and deep neural networks and addresses the premature convergence and random search problem by integrating evolutionary optimization into deep learning. Experiments show that eVAE addresses the KL-vanishing problem for text generation with low reconstruction loss, generates all disentangled factors with sharp images, and improves the image generation quality,respectively. eVAE achieves better reconstruction loss, disentanglement, and generation-inference balance than its competitors.
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With the increasing ability of large language models (LLMs), in-context learning (ICL) has become a new paradigm for natural language processing (NLP), where LLMs make predictions only based on contexts augmented with a few training examples. It has been a new trend exploring ICL to evaluate and extrapolate the ability of LLMs. In this paper, we aim to survey and summarize the progress, challenges, and future work in ICL. We first present a formal definition of ICL and clarify its correlation to related studies. Then, we organize and discuss advanced techniques of ICL, including training strategies, prompting strategies, and so on. Finally, we present the challenges of ICL and provide potential directions for further research. We hope our work can encourage more research on uncovering how ICL works and improving ICL in future work.
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Reinforcement learning (RL) is one of the most important branches of AI. Due to its capacity for self-adaption and decision-making in dynamic environments, reinforcement learning has been widely applied in multiple areas, such as healthcare, data markets, autonomous driving, and robotics. However, some of these applications and systems have been shown to be vulnerable to security or privacy attacks, resulting in unreliable or unstable services. A large number of studies have focused on these security and privacy problems in reinforcement learning. However, few surveys have provided a systematic review and comparison of existing problems and state-of-the-art solutions to keep up with the pace of emerging threats. Accordingly, we herein present such a comprehensive review to explain and summarize the challenges associated with security and privacy in reinforcement learning from a new perspective, namely that of the Markov Decision Process (MDP). In this survey, we first introduce the key concepts related to this area. Next, we cover the security and privacy issues linked to the state, action, environment, and reward function of the MDP process, respectively. We further highlight the special characteristics of security and privacy methodologies related to reinforcement learning. Finally, we discuss the possible future research directions within this area.
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